Selasa, 18 Jun 2013

SungJong as MC 
SungyeolMyungsoo = WoohyunSungkyu = HoyaDongwoo

Sungjong MC : Starting now with MC's SungJong in 'Love Matchmaker' with Infinite !
Woohyun : What is this !?
Dongwoo : *slap Sungjong* Don't call us like that !

Sungjong MC : We have to match a couple couple !
Sungkyu : Couple Couple ! *with bright face*
Woohyun : Are there a girl group ?
Sungjong MC : No ~ No girls group .
Hoya : actress ?
Infinite : woahh~
Sungjong MC : ==" (I said no girlsssss !)

Sungjong MC : L and Hoya go in front !
Sungkyu : Hei ! Why just 2 person only ? why why ?
Sungjong MC : Because they seem the most popular now.
Woohyun : But my girlfriends like this when see me *flying love*
Fans : *go crazy*
Woohyun : You see it ?
Sungyeol : But I'm taller than L !
Sungjong MC : In case you're uglier than L !
Sungyeol : *O.o*

Sungjong MC : Hoya , what's type guy that you like ?
Hoya : I am looking for the sexy guy ~
Woohyun : Nomu Nomu yeppo ~ *singing Shinee-Replay*
Hoya : Woww ~
Sungjong MC : Next is Dongwoo. I'm looking forward for it
Hoya : Come here make me yours !
Fans : *go crazy*

Sungjong MC : L's type is ?
L : I like a guy who is sincere.
Sungkyu : I love L very much. I watched every episodes his japanese drama.
L : ohhh~
Sungkyu : Wo Zai Ze Li ! *imitate L's expression in drama*
L : wanna punch Sungkyu**
Sungjong MC : Now is Sungyeol !
L : *sulking*
Sungyeol : *flirt* *L is handsome ! Anni~ Anni~* 
L : *scared*
Sungyeol : *manly* L .. I really like you. You're so good looking. You're so handsome.and I really like your curly hair.
Woohyun and Sungkyu : *I'm not hear anything*
Sungyeol : I can even kiss your curly hair. You think I can't ? *go to L*
L : Hajima ! Hajima ! Don't !
Sungyeol : grabbed L face and kiss him.
Fans : *almost faint*
Infinite : Whatttt is thisss !!!?

=Pepero Game=
Hoya and Dongwoo (YaDong) : *Dongwoo eat the pepero carefully and slowly*
Sungyeol and L (SooYeol) : *Sungyeol eat the pepero with flirt. L just close his eyes and just said *ahhh~ ahhh~* because he scared. Sungyeol decide to stop but at the end he kiss L.*
Sungkyu : Yuckkss !
Sungkyu and Woohyun : *Woohyun just act like normal but Sungkyu was flirt and play with him*
Hoya : Ohh~ I don't like it.
#Pepero Game : SooYeol wins !

Sungjong MC : What you feel after win this game ?
Sungyeol : L's lip are very sweet !

=Posts it Game=
#SooYeol wins again ! at 09.06 seconds.

=Paper Love with lips Game=
YaDong : *Woohyun just like *ewww~ Hoya's saliva~* but he just grab the paper*
SooYeol : *Sungyeol was fast and other member like *woww* but fans perhap their kiss ^^ L walks to the camera and licking his lips*
WooKyu : *they got it at first but accidentally they're kissed. It make woohyun ashamed and blush so he can't continue the game*
#Paper love : SooYeol wins again and again !

SooYeol couple was been fooled. They thought if they win they will got a laptop but it was too upset because they just win a t-shirt bunny couple. Sungyeol was really angry. They've change their outfit with their couple bunny t-shirt. Then show off their bad mood. Other member shouted "Kiss ! Kiss ! Kiss !". Sungjong asked to them "What your feeling after win at the first place ?" Sungyeol replied " I had a bad feeling since the morning..." Then L replied "I was still very happy because I was team with Sungyeol"


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